Magnesium & Concussive Brain Injury Magnesium ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest Intracellular magnesium levels are immediately reduced after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and…
PristineWellness Spinal Decompression Hack Glen Caulkins ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest When Glen Caulkins was 49 years old he went to the doctor…
The Water Pollution Cycle Planet Earth, Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest The whole planet has a smoke ring around it; the Pollution Cycle affects…
The Body Requires Food Not Isolated Elements Food ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest We often get asked what our opinion is on certain supplements and…
Myths and Misinformation Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest "The higher the pH of your water the better!" This is simply…
Acid Rain and its Byproduct: Hard Water Planet Earth, Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest ACID RAIN The whole planet has a smoke ring around it; The Pollution…
Water: A Clear and Present Danger Planet Earth, Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest Clean drinking water is something that the public has pretty much taken…
The 8 Things You Should Know About Your Water Filtration System Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest How much do you really know about the water you should be…
The Story of Food Food, Planet Earth, Water ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest This is one of my favorite stories because you know the story.…
It’s not in the food, so you have to eat these vitamins… Food ShareTwitterFacebookPinterest So what you are basically telling me is that mankind can send…